Monday, June 21, 2010

Are you a loser?

"The Biggest Loser" is a TV show that takes overweight contestants and gives them the tools (training and diet) to lose weight. The contestant that loses the most amount of weight wins the title of "The Biggest Loser", and lots of cash. When the show first started airing in Kuwait, I was immediately hooked (and inspired) by it.

The training of the contestants is overseen by Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. Both have gained fame through the show, and are now fitness superstars in their own right. The spin-off from the TV show has resulted in plenty of fitness videos, books, and even video games

Because I love Bob Harper's holistic view on fitness, I decided to pick up a few of his fitness videos.

I had never tried home fitness videos before, so I was very surprised by the quality of these videos. I particularly love "The Boot Camp Workout". It's a six-week program that starts with a 30 minute workout (5 minute warm-up, 20 minute workout and 5 minute cool down). The workouts increase to 45 minutes in the 3rd and 4th week, and end up with 55 minutes in the last 2 weeks. 

These workouts are HARD!!. If you follow the instructions exactly as shown on the screen, you will be completely drenched half-way through the workout. The workouts are a combination of resistance training (using dumbbells and resistance bands) and cardiovascular workout. A medicine ball is also recommended, though not compulsory.

Even though I am focused on running these days, I still do these workouts once in a while. They are a  nice change from the regular running and gym workouts, and an excellent tool for those who don't have time to go to the gym.

RATING: 4/5.


  1. Your daughter joins in your workout? thats nice :)

  2. Yup. She is the healthiest person in our family. I come a close second.
